A New Dawn: Star Wars

A New Dawn: Star Wars - Dave Filoni, John Jackson Miller Star Wars: A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller marks the start of a new direction in the Star Wars universe. It introduces us to the lead characters in new Star Wars Rebels animated series, Kanan and Hera and is set about 10 years after the events in Revenge of the Sith. Kanan has wandered about the galaxy leading an existence that does not draw attention to himself (or his abilities as a Jedi). He is conflicted about his status and no longer follows a monotheistic lifestyle of the Jedi order that he was raised in. The story begins with him working in the mines of the planet Gorse as freighter pilot. The story does not detail Hera’s back story at all but it clearly details the events leading up to their partnership in future stories…

This is a well written and essential story in the new canon of the Star Wars universe. A must read for any fans (new or old). 4.5 Stars