Promise of Blood

Promise of Blood  - Brian  McClellan First impression after just finshing this novel by Brian McClellan was "what a fun read". Anyone who is a fan of epic fantasy needs to pick this one up.

For those who enjoy this genre, you pretty much know what to expect when you start reading a new epic fantasy series, action, intrigue and lots of battles in a good vs. evil type of story. Brian McClellan has included all of that in the Powder Mage series but he doesn't stop there, powerful sorcerers (Privileged), Powder Mages with power over (and from) gunpowder (Marked) and others with many different individual powers (Knacked). Throw in rifles, pistols and the odd assorted God and you have the beginning of a new type of epic fantasy that I might call "weapons and wizardy". Great world building and interesting characters that will keep you entralled all the way through and wanting more.

5 stars for one of the best original stories I have read in some time. All fantasy fans are going to want to read this one.