Ready Player One

What a fun read! 80's nostalgia mixed with virtual reality from the the 2040's turned out to be something a I really enjoyed. Now don't get me wrong, this is not the book if you are looking for literary fiction and I am pretty sure it was not written to be. It is what I like to call escapist fiction (books written that spur your imagination).
It regales in references from 1980's television, movies, music, books and (especially) video games so if you are a fan of this decade (or even if you were just along for the ride), you will find lot's of familiar names to stimulate memories that make you smile (or at least they did for me). In addition, the main theme of the story is a virtual reality world that is an expanded (and greatly enhanced) version of a MMORPG.
I can recommend this book any fan for "fun read" science fiction or fantasy. I will look to read additional content by the author.