
This book hooked me right away and lead to several late nights of reading enjoyment. Without giving many details of the main plot lines away for those who haven’t read this yet, the story details the journey of Jake Epping who is given the opportunity to time travel back to 1958 with the goal being to stop the assassination of JFK in 1963. The story goes though quite a bit of lead up to this climax and leaves you wanting to read further in the story every time you put it down.
The story does have a few curious inconsistencies (or things that make you go hmmmm) that could have been explained a little further. A time travel method that is not really explained well, a point in the past where the MC remembers all the lines from a song that would not come out until 1969 but does not know the public reaction of the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 but these do not really deter from the story at all.
This is a great read that I can recommend to anyone who enjoys King novels or really anyone who just enjoys a good story.